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Homer Sightseeing Tours and Activities

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Homer Sightseeing Tours and Activities

Homer aka: “Halibut Capital of the World” provides you with truly incredible panoramic views of mountain ranges, white peaks, glaciers and the famous Homer Spit - a long strip of land that stretches into the beautiful deep blue colored Kachemak Bay. It is a community that tempts you to stay for a while. Between the excellent museum, restaurants and art galleries, great scenery and interesting side trips to the other side of Kachemak Bay or to Seldovia you could easily spend a week here. Use the day to explore the area - kayak to a remote cove, take a scenic cruise and spot wildlife including whales, seals, sea otters and many shorebirds. If you prefer to observe grizzly bears up close, take a scenic flightseeing tour to the Katmai Coast. Take a evening cruise to Halibut Cove and enjoy a dinner at the famous Saltry Restaurant and a walk to renowned artist galleries along the picturesque boardwalks. Homer is an integral component of our Alaska driving tours and rail/drive tour packages. Please note that the excursions can only be booked in combination with our travel packages.

Weather in Homer

Monday,24 03:36
Overcast Clouds
34°F 34°F min 38°F max
Humidity: 85 %
Wind: 0.0 mph North
Pressure: 1,001 hPa
  • Description

  • Reviews

SHO1001 Homer: Bear Viewing Tour to Brooks Falls / Katmai National Park

Take off from Homer to a full day bear viewing expedition past glaciers and volcanoes - within the land of the giant animals: the brown bear country of southwest Alaska. You'll fly to Katmai's - worlds famous Brooks River Falls where brown bears feed on salmon. Each year millions of sockeye salmons burst from the Bering Sea into lakes and streams of the Katmai National Park. These fish provide the primary food source for the world’s largest population of brown bears. As many as 50 bears may be viewed up-close-and-personal from elevated boardwalks and viewing platforms fishing along the 1 1/2 mile Brooks River during peak season (July). Local National Park Rangers are answering all of your questions about this incredible park during the self guided full day tour.
Daily during July & September | Price: $1495.00

SHO1002 Homer: Bear Viewing Tour to Lake Clark / Katmai Coast

The Lake Clark bear viewing area is located on the Pacific Coast of Katmai National Park and is a popular area for Brown Bear viewing and photography. You'll fly across Kachemak Bay and the follow lush green coastline of the Alaska Peninsula which is capped with active volcanoes. Lake Clark and Katmai is the habitat of one of the largest natural concentrations of Brown Bears in the world and can guarantee 100% bear viewing. Naturalist guides are sharing their knowledge about bears, a safety orientation and are experienced working in a wilderness environment.
Daily from May – September | Price: $1185.00

SHO1003 Salmon or Halibut Fishing Charter

The average halibut brought in to Homer weighs around 28 pounds but there is always an excellent chance to catch "the big one". Along with the good fishing and beautiful scenery there is a good chance of spotting seals, sea otters, sea lions, puffins as well as whales. All this can ad up to a wonderful day of catching fish and experiencing mother nature in all her grandeur. Your full day fishing adventure begins at 6:00 AM when your boat leaves the harbor. On the way to the fishing grounds you may enjoy a snack and coffee or hot tea. Charter caught halibut weighs between 25-150 pounds, with king salmon average of 25 pounds. Watch for wildlife such as sea otters, sea lions, whales and puffins. Your crew will be filleting and bagging your fish at no extra charge. Tour includes all fishing gear and bait.
Daily from May – September | Price: $250.00 (1/2 day trip)   $380.00 (full day trip) 

Michael, FL: This is my 2nd time bear viewing at Lake Clark. It was spectacular just like first one a few years ago ! Literally I feel like can touch brown bears and real close-up of how they interact with other bears and watched lot of bears capturing salmons. Guides know their stuff and the location we watched was just perfect! I recommend if you think about going for Brown bear viewing at Lake Clark.